What is Multiport valve, how does it work?

Pearl Water
3 min readMay 26, 2021
Multiport Valve’s by Pearl Water Technologies

Hope you all have the basic knowledge of multiport valve. Today we are here to learn about it’s working process. But, before starting let’s take a quick learning about basics of multiport valve for softener.

There are three major types of pool filtering systems: cartridge, sand, and diatomaceous earth (DE). DE and sand use the multiport valve to backwash the softener. There are 7 settings of a multiport valve through which it functions: filter, backwash, rinse, waste, closed, recirculate, and winter. The multiport valve is placed above the softener which plays a very important role in the softening process.

Let’s see how.

The Multiport valve has become a necessary part of the water softener for controlling the direction of the flow of water. It has 3 ports, pump, return port, and waste port. The pump port pumps the unfiltered water from the tank enters into the softener where the water gets softened then the return port sends back the filtered water to the tank, the waste port throws out the wastewater during backwashing. It is quite simple to use, just turn off the pump and then change the valve direction to which you want the water to flow.

How does this multiport valve works?

  1. Pump Port- The functioning of the multiport valve starts from the pump port where the water is pulled with extra force from the tank to intake the raw into the softener. Where the filtration process happens and the hard water is softened.
  2. Return Port- Inside the softener, the water is mixed with the resins present in the polystyrene beds which helps in softening of the water. The softened water from the softener is returned to the tank for use.
  3. Waste port- This port is used during the backwash of the softener, during this process, the multiport valve of the softener is directed to cleaning. During this process, the intake pump is turned off so that it doesn’t affect the softening process.

Why is it useful?

As we learned above that the multiport valve is efficient for any softener to work smoothly. So if there is no multiport valve then the process of backwashing becomes difficult where one might need to close all the valves to remove the waste chemicals from the softener. Multiport valve for softener works as the right hand without which the process may remain incomplete.

About the parts:

Why pump port? The answer is very simple, without a pump port, one can’t pull the raw water from the tank. It would be quite difficult to pull out water from the tank and start the processing in the softener.

Why return port? As I have mentioned above, the same way the softened water from the softener needs to return to the tank, which will be difficult to do it manually. Return port helps in refilling the tank with softened water for various use.

Why waste port? For backwashing the softener.

In short multiport valve for softener becomes a very useful device for completing this process.

Bothered with the multiport valve price?

Don’t worry, Pearl water technologies multiport valve’s price is very affordable and our product is quite effective. Our company is well known for its excellent service and quality. The multiport valve’s price is very reasonable and it’s a one-time investment as our product is ISA certified and has long-lasting features as it is made of stainless steel.

Pearlwater provides you with a variety of multiport valves with the best multiport valve’s price for industrial and home use. For more details, you can dial our number (+91)9582215137 or mail us at info@pearlwater.in.



Pearl Water

Pearl Water Technologies got established in 2007 with the aim of providing best water treatment system to our clients. We provides Water & Waste Water Treatment